Wednesday, 11 May 2011


One thing I missed off my profile is that I am a bird lover. Not active not skilled just enjoy watching birds in the wild, love their displays and I get excited by the challenge of trying to identify any, other than all those small anonymous small brown birds. Wished I was not so tone death that I cannot remember one call from another. The king of all birds, the birds of prey. Love them to bits, so skilled, so focused, so swift and agile.

Today I found a headless Hobby on my parking bay. A magnificent bird. It is only when you have it in your hands and spread out its wings to full extent do really appreciate the size and power of these birds. Wonderful. So so sad at the death of this bird in its prime.. Not just this male of course, but I imagine already in to breeding, so its mate and its chicks are now also vulnerable.

Unless anyone knows anything better, I imagine it can only be a cat kill. Much as I like cats they do cause carnage to the wild bird life. Not having a cat myself I do so wish the surrounding neighbors with cats would keep them in a night.

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