Clearly money buys privilege and lots of money buys lots of privilege, shed-loads full infact. What it should not buy is the right to live a life any other than upright, moral, considerate and caring. So when our super-rich buy immunity from press coverage of exposure over some alleged misdoing then natural justice is being perverted. Absolutely sure, the private family behind the public image needs protection from prurient press intrusion. Lead a blameless life and there is no press attention. The press have no interest in normality, only in scandal, cover-ups and attempts at secrecy whilst claiming upright decency.
One consequence of buying privilege is that the public have an interest in knowing how that privilege was obtained and what uses or abuses it gives access to. Even a shy retiring recluse is not immune from that concern. Naturally the interest reaches fever pitch for an attractive totty who puts themselves about, when it suits them, to attract media attention or whose money generation depends on them being noticed by the public. Privilege does not buy absolution from tainted sources of money nor the freedom to revel in the excesses that privilege can provide. Exceed the bounds of decency and the public have a legitimate right to know who is doing what and in which circumstances. It is the unwritten pact. You can access the privileges that are impossible for us to ever taste but in doing so you must exercise restraint and not abuse that freedom. Be honorable, upright, considerate and moderate in your take up of the privileges that you have unfettered access to and all is well.
The media in checking out possible abuses or blatant mis-representations are not going to be concerned in making any distinction between the private private life a totty would like to keep to themselves and the public private life the next moment they are seeking to draw attention to. You are in the public eye because you are the beneficiary of privilege. Step off the straight and narrow and media attention is a rightful and proper consequence. We need inquisitive media to draw attention to where that public goodwill is being openly abused. If anyone puts about false claims there are existing legal remedies of slander or libel. As a privilege person you get an advantaged start in the process and the money you have to buy your privilege gives you an edge over other contestants. That is where any false rumours should be founded.
Understandably the family members around a totty want and should have a life out of the frenzy of media attention. However they get to enjoy the consequences of access to privilege so cannot be totally immune. If the totty strays off the straight and narrow, whether a momentary lapse or a hidden secrets begins to unravel, the public arena is the rightful consequence. It is the only counter-check we, the public, have against the extremes that privilege can give access to. So an injunction is an insult and a super-injunction is an absurdity. Lead an upright life with nothing to fear, or get tempted and stray with the real risk of experiencing the right and proper finite limits of privilege. Exposure.
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