Saturday, 11 June 2011

Centre Revolution

From time to time you stubble across something and suddenly realise times are a changing and changing fast. We do not realise and cannot comprehend the implications but we are in the midst of a revolution in the way we are managed and governed. I was looking into the implications of the Localism Bill. Its intentions point in the right directions, so definitely a plus positive, just not radical enough. The cynic in me suspects just another attempt to pass the buck down the line whilst keeping the real control and iron grip on the strings where it always has been, in Whitehall. Just maybe these changes are enough to eventually unravel that grip and we, the people, actually do get control of our own destiny. My problem with that is, I do not think we any longer have a simple 'local community' persona, but see my Matrix Society. The point is that user friendly guides on behalf of the government, in simple english, are all accessible online. Maybe just part of a selling campaign but so much better than being in the dark and wondering what is to come and how it might impact us. A real opportunity for all of us to digest and let our MP know what we really think about it.

Still a long way to go but it is marvellous that our Ministers of State are opening themselves up to direct contact with the general public they are meant to serve. That they are accessible, that comment or opinion can be left on their tweets or blogs is a giant significant step forward for democracy. Does not mean they personally are going to read them and almost certainly no actual response will be discernible. But they will count and have influence and, with time, as we get used to this connectedness, mature in its application, so things will markedly improve. In the meantime this increased clamour of 'what about me' and the shouting of 'look at me, over here' may drown out initially the scope for citizen dialogues in real-time.

Not just tweets and blogs nor just processing government requirements on line, road tax or tax returns just to name two, life is getting more connected. For example the government now automatically looks up to check your car is registered, has insurance and a valid MOT before issuing its tax disc. It is joined up government at last. No man with countless forms and stamps to oversee the process. Of course it has all sorts of implications on what government can do with that information. Ominously information that they can then commercially sell, for uses none of us would ever agree too, except we are given no choice. My favourite example is the interactive mapping my County provides. I can look up a map, zoom into a particular footpath and report a fault with the footpath, with my statement of conditions and even attach a photo to show the nature of the problem. Compared to the bureaucratic processes the applied before this is a breeze. Not just footpaths but problems with Highways and why not anything the County is responsible for. It puts me as a citizen in a position where I can play my part in helping to keep the wheels turning and reducing the paperwork necessary to get things change. An example of the direction we are going in. Bravo. One day soon my report, after a cursory verification, will automatically be forwarded to the landlord responsible for its upkeep, with just the County monitoring for satisfactory completion. I as citizen am directly involved and able to play a responsive part in my own community. Localism in action, albeit in a very small way.

Bright new future. No not quite. The signs are we are moving, slowly, towards more openness. That authorities will have to make accessible their spending over a limit is both a burden for them but also a freedom for us. With abuses by either side, just a matter of time. We as a country are still far too secretive and in particular our government. We as citizens have right to know what is being planned and done on our behalf. Stop. No exceptions, no weasel word get outs, commercial secrets, national security. If I am to be killed by a retaliatory soviet or chinese bomb I have a right to know and the why and wherefores. Not for any survivors to discover fifty years down the line when deemed no longer 'sensitive'. Now. So much meddling behind scenes, free from counter comment, free from the rigour of challenge, so dangerous and so unhealthy. So raise a glass with me to the brave new world emerging and may the toast be 'with all good speed'.

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