Adolescence marks the onset of another of our most powerful driving forces brought in with the raging hormones of puberty. If you are lucky a few dry matter of fact explanations are on hand to help understand these experiences felt but not recognised. Except the huge curiosity generated by these hormones into everything sexual are fuelled by widely available, indeed inescapable, provocative sexually charged raunchy images. Used to sell anything as only virtual erotic images can. Images that promise and tease yet are governed to reveal nothing. An implicitly sexually charged forethought expressed in a straitjacket of prudish conformity. So where do our adolescence go to get see and imagine what this burgeoning sexuality means to them? As Society deems they are too young to explore, naturally, amongst theirs peer group.
It is normal for youth to turn to their elders for guidance. We, the elders, have surrounded ourselves with sanctimonious prudery, false moral judgement strictures. We are unable to offer good wholesome, true to life presentation of our naked bodies, shorn of all exploitation, let alone that culmination of love and emotion expressed in the sexual act.
Bye the bye who is this person, that is so above moral corruption, that they can view material that I must be shielded from seeing because I am so more corruptable they they are. Material, not prurient nor voyeuristic, but carefully, thoughtfully crafted by another decent person who spent considerable time and effort to offer it for adult viewing for them to make judgement on its relevance.
No, the only alternative we leave our youth to explore their inevitable normal and natural curiosity is through the only freely accessible material left, pornography. Nasty, crude, totally false images of how humans relate. Even though we distant ourselves, and our youth, from this obscene unpleasant material, the crudity of its unreal images now feedback into our santisied morally correct depictions of sexual engagement, tastefully stripped of any explicitness. The self same pornographic cliques are now the soundbites norms used to signify 'intercourse', the lunge, the sucking of entrails and the pelvic ramming whilst tearing off of clothes. These are the images we give our adolescents to learn from about what their raging hormones are urging them to do. Unless of course you are of the old school brigade with a cold shower and total abstinence beliefs of cloud cuckoo land.
Time we all grew up and recognised that love, emotion, nakedness and sexual intimacy are powerful and natural forces capable of beautiful, wholesome and wonderful emotions and expressions. Time we learnt to live with our sexuality, explore its complexities and celebrate in all its richness whilst helping our youth grow up surrounded by good example and natural normal outlets for their inevitable curiosity.