We like to think of ourselves as an island community, just nicely nestled off the coast of Europe, contained, masters of our own destiny and far from all the turmoil, strife and the argy-bargy of having to live up close with the neighbours next door on the continent. We are safe and secure in our island. Not anymore.
Though the pipes that link Europe up with the massive servers that feed the internet traffic pass through and across our shores, we are just as dependant on this other server farms for our continued internet access as is the rest of Europe. The USofA holds the world to ransom. Though it may well be not in their interest to terminate service any time soon, let us never lose sight of the fact, our internet, our means of living, is now dependant on the USofA continued goodwill. The best we could do to retaliate is to cut the pipes, damaging Europe but of course cutting ourselves off as well. No, we are well and truly beholdened to the USofA. So much for our sovereign independence.
Worse still, we have entered an age when our GPS location has become a central feature in arranging our lives. It has gone well beyond just SatNav's for car journeys. The GPS fix is becoming an essential element of all the wonderful Apps that let you move, explore and communicate with the world around you. GPS that is of course satellite dependant. How many GPS satellites does UKplc own. Zilch. How many have we contributed to and can rightfully claim part ownership. Zilch., Who do we totally rely on for access to all our GPS fixes, the USofA. We are probably beyond the point when we can turn back and say we can live without the GPS. It is now integral, yet UKplc is totally dependant on others goodwill for a vital service. No backup plan, no partnership deals just the hope goodwill suffices. A supplicant nation.
I doubt whether we can even claim any degree of independence in the servicing of what is now vital Ecommunications. Though we do have UK front offices that offer Ecommunications I very much suspect that a peek behind the curtain would show that yet again we are totally dependant on the goodwill of USofA for any continuity. Europe would not be able to step in and offer a alternative route for connecting up with the rest of the world. One price we do have to pay for using the USofA as our gateway for all our Etraffic is to allow them to look at all our nations traffic. That is the deal. Come through us but only if you permit us to a look at anything at all we fancy taking a peek at, anything, no courtroom check, just on a whim or a fancy. Oh and inaddition to prove what good buddies we are, you must also show us (USofA) everything that you (UKplc) have been having a peeking at. Fair does, we are friends, we trust each other, right.
With the continuing and inevitable slide of USofA off the top dog spot there are a couple of emergent nations that are arm wrestling to grab this soon to be vacated top dog spot. In the resulting milieu of wheeling and dealing, relationships, even long term relationship are going to have to be renegotiated. Is this the time for a wake up call, we are no longer that independent island goings it own way? We are now totally dependant but also have become lazy about who are our real friends or need to be. Who do we need to cultivate to retain any degree of autonomy is this crazy mixed-up interdependent electronic world we emerging into.