Tuesday 16 April 2013

An aside

I am seething underneath over two issues.
The amount of adulatory comments about that woman who destroyed so much of the fabric of our society.

The bland dismissive contempt of the government minister telling benefit claimants they should seek work.

So she died and so has to be buried. Please spare us all the pomp and circumstance of a feted funeral parade. I really feel like finding a large source of rotten eggs to throw at her coffin I am that incensed. She had her way not from ignorance, nor arrogance but just by contempt and manipulation of all those surrounding her, getting to do her thing, no matter how wrong, misguided and so lacking in a longer term view. Amongst her many crimes, she destroyed the unions, she politicised the, up until then, democratic quasi objective planning system, she gave full reign and encouragement to self seeking gratification, she gave away our social inheritance to profit makers and did everything to encourage greed and nothing to promote compassionate support. The limp wristed that lapped up the cream washing over her rights of passage are the self same trundled out to glorify her 'achievements'. History will condemn them and her in due course.

How dare anyone stand up in public and without a twinge of conscious say to the nation that those on benefits should seek work, That they, the government want to work with them, the benefit applicants, to seek employment. What utter sanctimonious bilge. Does the Minister have any sense of shame? Are their lives so far out of touch with real life exigencies that they actually believe all benefits supplicants have to do is get off their couch and just look for work? That then they will find ample work opportunities and 'it' the benefit problem will magically go away. Are these, the imbeciles we get to vote for and put in power, to make such crass, insensitive and so very out of touch pig ignorant statements to the nations media? Rise up and shout back. Tell it as it is. 

Once the gilded lillies have taken off their rich cream bonuses, what we are left with is a bankrupt nation, in a double dip recession, ruled by a government that sees no merit in stimulating employment and where we scrabble and fight over the few menial jobs left. Ever fearful of being undercut and replaced by the next even more desperate person underneath us. Deal with the rampant excesses and compassionately support the underdog is not a bad replacement policy.

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