Monday 12 December 2011

Chav Culture

We have been taken over by the chav's. Their agenda for a quick fix, instant gratification, getting one over, doing a wheelie deal, never mind them look at me, now rules the roost.The presumption of all in the servicing the public industries is that they are dealing with a chav and gear themselves to deal with just that critture.

There have always been chav's or before them spiv's, just a small minority. It is just that chaviness now has become the mainstream. It has slipped into a normality that is used as a benchmark to judge all else by. So the daily expectation is that of a chav response with the reflex reaction of a hand-off against a chav onslaught. Not just in our person to person dealings but in our expectations of peoples likes and dislikes. This chav presumption is now widespread throughout our society. Long gone are the old presumptions of courtesy, concern, moderation, delight in culture, accommodation, any willingness to take time to discover. Now it's all instant, wham bam, three minute is all you's got, I'm only here for what I get out of it. 

Here because of our past, our willingness to shrug off difficulties without facing them, our eagerness to profit rather than to question and our failure to give due regard to role models who did stand for higher values. So how does a three minute wonder, with no life skills or experience and an autobiography at the age of 23 years stack up? We collectively buy into this creature yet shun lesser non-media hyped persons who have earned wisdom and contributed to enriching life. Shallow versus the profound. Banner headline against a tightly scripted paragraph. Gratification against quality. We made all those choices and are now living the consequence. Living a chav culture.

Nothing is ever unredeemable. The starting point as always is in recognising we have lost out but it will be a long journey back. Like so many of my posts, the starting point is to turn around our isolation. We have to redefine how we connect with each other and then go on to how can relate with each other. Finding the time for tolerance, withholding judgement and giving consideration to varied life experiences. Only then can we rediscover the joys of shared experiences, with the follow on of making possible the seeing and sharing in responses beyond our own limited ken.  

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