There are periods when there just is not time to spare for community services, but these periods do pass. To make amends we must make opportunities for these former free-loaders to pay back into the society they have been feeding off for free. Our contributions into our community needs to be continually monitored and evaluated by our peers. That stint as governor to the school, all those years trimming the hedges, keeping the play ground clean, picking litter, seeing the children cross the road, that period standing as parish councillor, all need to be recorded and a value-back to the community allocated. By our peers, by the people we live within and amongst an not by some bureaucrat in a remote disconnected office. We know who amongst us is making the effort and those who posture and only talk the talk.
That value should then return to the individual to be traded in for extra over care and resources as an when life emergencies descend. The longer time of contribution the bigger the benefit accrues. Late comers wanting to make amends for free-loading having to make significantly bigger contributions in kind or by bequest of a classroom or medical investigative procedure to earn back a comparable benefit.
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